Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Clean Bill of Health

Hello everyone! I wanted to give my report from my doctor's appointment yesterday. We had the repeat growth scan, fluid level check, and cervical length ultrasound. All of the tests turned up perfectly and there has not been a single centimeter change in my cervical length. YAY! That was the biggest thing I was worried about. They also did not even repeat the fetal fibronectin test. I had a feeling that all was going to be well because I haven't had regular contractions and no brethine since last Wednesday. I am working 6 hour days this week and so far I am feeling great!

I go back again next Tuesday, but that feels like an eternity away since I have been going almost every day for something. I truly believe that we are in the clear and I know in my heart we are going to be having a full-term delivery. It has been such a relief to feel like a normal pregnant person for the first time in a while. Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers!



  1. Yea! So glad to hear the good report! Hope you continue to have a good week and little Perron stays put for now! Love the ultrasound pictures too! He is definitely a cutie! :) You are in our prayers!

  2. Yayyyyyyy Goulia!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see the US pics! I'm glad it's going well. Just stay cool calm and collected!!!! :) I love you!
