Stephen and I had our ultrasound yesterday morning. I was a nervous wreck and cried the whole time because I was afraid something might be wrong with him. At one point, the ultrasound tech told me I had to calm down because being that stressed out wasn't good for the baby. After what happened to my co-worker at their ultrasound though, I couldn't help feeling nervous. Luckily, Baby Boy Crigler is healthy and happy at this point. Stephen and I are so blessed and grateful to God that he has given us this miracle. After being afraid that we might not be able to have children, this day was a very special treat. I must admit, I am already a proud mommy and I think our baby has what might be the most precious profile in the whole world. He also is apparently all boy and very proud of "his stuff" as you will be able to see in the pictures. I am almost a little embarrassed to show them...and that is saying a lot since y'all know I am not that modest.
Stephen is thrilled that he is going to have a little boy to take hunting and fishing and play sports with. I am sure our baby's first words will not be mama or dada, but rather Roll Tide. Enjoy the first glimpse you are getting of Baby Boy Crigler!