I haven't posted pictures of our little peanut in a while so I wanted to put some up for your viewing pleasure. Perron is doing well. We took him in last Thursday for his two month check up and his first round of shots. He weighed 7 lbs 14 ozs at that appointment so he has officially doubled in size since he was born. He was also 20 and 1/2 inches, so he has grown 2 1/4 inches too! He is growing so fast. He did great with his shots and barely cried at all. He ran a low grade fever for about 24 hours and he got huge knots on his legs, but he didn't seem too bothered by it all. He is still pretty fussy and we are hoping he grows out of it soon. Preemies are generally fussier than full term babies and that seems to be the case with him. I think he feels trapped inside his body because he has been alive for almost 11 weeks, but really developmentally he is around a 5 to 6 week old and that frustrated him. He is working on finding his hand and I am hoping that will happen soon so he can help soothe himself. He is not really smiling yet, but we feel like he is getting close. You can tell when things kind of amuse him because he gets a little smirkish look on his face but no full on smile.
We found out bad news today about his RSV shots. We had been told on Friday that he was approved for shots and we would even get a home health nurse to come out and give them to us. Unfortunately, there was some confusion with the new BCBS guidelines and he now only qualifies for one! Can you believe it. The new guidelines say a baby born between 32 and 35 weeks qualifies for up to 3 shots prior to their three month birthday. Well perron turns 3 months on October 18th so we only get one. We are really upset and waiting for the doctor's office to call us back and see if there is anything we can do. The shots are several thousand dollars a piece so it is too expensive to cover them out of pocket. So it looks like we will really be on lock down this winter. It is so depressing because I want to be able to take him out and show him off, but we can't risk it. So many of our friends and even family members have never even seen him before. Boo! Sometimes life stinks!
I head back to work in a week and a half. I am ready to be back and I think it will be good for everyone. It is definitely a huge relief to know that he is going to just be going to my mom's. I would FREAK out if I was having to put him in day care.
We love him more everday and our so glad he is ours!
I love to play...play play play
Tummy Time
Tummy time makes me sleepy
Very Very
Those pics are so cute! I love the one of him asleep on your chest and his little legs look so sweet hanging out of your B. Bjorn. I can't believe RSV shots are that much! I'd wondered b4 why all babies don't get them. That's insane! I'm hoping Willow finds her hands soon, too. At night I hear her trying so hard, but she's just kind of punching her mouth (although she almost gave herself a hand hickey a few days ago sucking on her fist). I think if she could find her thumb she's go back to sleep herself instead of waiting on me to find and hold the paci in until she dozes back off.