Dear Perron,
We can not believe that you are already two months old. The time has gone by so fast. With each day a little more of your personality comes out and your daddy and I love to discover more about the little person you are growing to be. You continue to love to eat. Daddy and I think that you might be going through a growth spurt because you have gone back to eating every three hours on the dot. You are like a little food alarm clock. You are eating about three and a half ounces per feed. You continue to grow like a little weed. We go to the pediatrician on Monday for your first round of shots :( and we are betting that you weigh over 8 lbs. If you are that big, that means you have gained over 5 lbs in two months! We finally have your reflux under control with a special medicine called Prevacid and you are a MUCH happier baby. Mommy and Daddy were afraid we were going to have to send you to go live with the wolves for a couple of weeks you were so unhappy.
You are also starting to sleep MUCH better. This is very good for mommy's sanity. You have gone from waking up every 45 minutes to hour and a half to sleeping almost three hours in a row. We have the miracle blanket to thank for that. Pray that your mommy doesn't leave your daddy for the inventor of that godsend. It has changed all three of our lives! Even wrapped up in your baby straight jacket you can figure out a way to scoot all over the crib and turn your self around. We frequently come in in the mornings and find you still in your positioner but turned upside down at the bottom of the crib. You are definitely going to be a wiggle worm like your mommy.
You are starting to smile, mainly you still practice in your sleep, but we know that you are going to start smiling at us any day now. In fact last night, you were even laughing in your sleep and it was the cutest sound ever. You are really beginning to enjoy your toys. We play every day on the blanket on the floor. Right now our version of playing is just looking at your toys as you lay on your back or stomach. You are getting so strong. You can lift your head up and turn it from side to side.
You still love your bouncy chair the most, but you are starting to like to spend time in your swing more and more. We go to a stroller mom class two times a week and mommy gets to exercise while you get to come along for the ride. You are the second oldest baby in the class but by far the smallest. Every baby in the class weighed more at birth than you weigh now. But that's okay. We have known all along that the best things come in small packages!
Mommy looks at you every day and realizes what a true miracle you are. I have read so many sad and scary stories about babies dying because their mommies got sick like I did and they didn't get to experience the joy that a baby brings into your life. I thank God every day for brining me into that doctor's office that Friday morning and saving you and me. You are the light of our lives!
We love you more every day!
Mommy and Daddy
Hey Julia,
ReplyDeleteI've been following your blog. I cannot believe that 2 months ago your little one was born. He's getting more precious by the day.