Dear Perron,
We can not believe that you are already three months old. It is so hard to imagine that this summer we had you and now the seasons have already changed and it is fall. It is amazing how fast the time goes by. We have had so many troubles with your poor little belly, but we think we might be starting to get it figured out. We have switched your formula to another brand of Amino Acid based formula and it has finally helped your tummy troubles! Of course it is even more expensive then the Ele-Care ($40 a 14 oz can), but mommy and daddy can't blame you for liking more expensive things. You are just like us, once you try the nice stuff you never want to go back :). Since we have gotten your tummy troubles worked out you have much more time to be your happy adorable self. Your current new favorite toy of all times is the activity gym your Aunt Meggy sent you. You love to lay on your mat and look at the toys and the special light machine that is on it. You have discovered that you are just as cute as everyone says you are and you now love looking at yourself in the mirror. If I was as cute as you I would like to look at myself all the time too!
You are still super tiny. You are weighing in at 8 pounds 3 ounces. You are still squarely in your newborn diapers and even some of your newborn clothes are still big on you. The doctor is a little concerned that you are not gaining weight faster so he has done a bunch of tests. We are waiting to hear back on those results. We are hoping that the results will just show that you have a high metabolism like mommy and daddy and nothing more serious. You have turned into an excellent sleeper and will now sleep 8 to 9 hours in a row which is such a change and it is hard to believe that in five to six short weeks we have taken you from sleeping 45 minutes in a row to sleeping 8 hours in a row. It is a much needed relief, especially since mommy went back to work last week. It was very hard to leave you, but we know you are in good hands with Grandma. Mommy is blessed because she loves her job...and she needs it to pay for your $40 a can formula.
You continue to be the light of our lives. We love to see your smiling face every morning when we wake up and hold you tight every night before you go to sleep. We have learned in this journey how quickly this time goes by and how fast you grow up. We know that you will not be our little tiny baby much longer and we savor this time with you. When you let us hold you and snuggle and sleep in our arms. We want to remember the sweet smell of your little baby breath and the downy softness of your little head because we know that in such a short amount of time you will be our bundle of energy little boy who will not have the time to let us hold you so close. We can not wait to see the little boy you are going to grow into being, but we can not bear to loose the sweet baby moments that we share with you right now. These moments go by far too fast!
We love you more everyday!
Mommy and Daddy
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