We are starting to work on the nursery and get everything together for hiim. We are re-doing the closet this weekend so we will have a little bit more storage room in there....it is pretty tiny. We also are going to work on picking out a paint color for the room. I wonder if I can pull the pregnancy card and get out of painting the nursery :)....I somehow doubt that. Hopefully, the furniture will be here by the end of June. I would love to have it set up before the baby shower so that I can have a place to put everything...and so my sisters can see it when they come for the shower.
Stephen and I just got back from a trip to Washington, DC. I had a girl's weekend with my best friends from college and Stephen was able to spend the weekend with his brothers. We had such a great time and it was awesome to get to see all of my girlfriends one last time before Perron gets here. We got to go to the Newseum, celebrate April's bachelorette party, and have a little baby shower for Perron. It was very sweet and Perron got some very cute outfits and bath things, as well as a nice group gift card to Babies R Us. It will definitely come in handy as we try and get everything together for Perron. I am so grateful that 8 years after we have all graduated we still get make an effort to see each other at least once a year. I am just sad this year that I will miss April's wedding. Enjoy some of the pictures from the trip.
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