Monday, January 4, 2010

The List

I love to travel.  I have since I was a child.  I can thank my parents for that.  We were never allowed a vacation where we were not going to go somewhere to learn something.  There was no lounging on the beach, being lazy for us.  No siree!  We would march to the point of exhaustion through museums, historical sites, and cultural events.  It sparked a curious mind, it taught me so much about history and other people's culture, about the importance of experiences, and it gave me the travel bug for life.  It is one of the greatest gifts my parents gave me.   I love trip planning almost as much as I do the traveling part.  I 100% for sure get that from my dad.  He would have us scheduled within an inch of our lives on vacation...down to the places we would eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner based on where we were going for the day and what are of town we would be in.  I love looking up information about the destination and mapping out where all we will go, so as not to waste a single sight-seeing moment.  I can not wait to share my passion for new places with Perron when he gets older. 

I don't know if it is because of the New Year and I am reading everyone's resolution/to-do  list, but I have been thinking of all  of the places that I want to go to before I die.  Kind of a morbid thought I guess, but something to think about.  So I am going to start composing my list.  Some of these places I want to take Perron to, some of these places I have already been and I want to share with my family, and some of these places are for Stephen and I to adventure to alone.  This is the first installment of the list.  I want to write places down as I think  of them, more as a mental note to myself, than anything else.

1.  Grand Canyon
2.  New York City at Christmas time
3.  Maine
4.  Boston
5.  Yellowstone National Park
6.  Napa/Sonoma
7.  Driving down the California coast on Highway 1
8.  Skiing in Colorado
9.  Italy:  Rome, Florence, Venice, The Amalfi Coast
10.  Drive through the Texas Hill Country during Blue Bonnet season
11.  Rent a cottage in Provence.  I love Peter Mayle books and they have inspired me.
12.  Las Vegas
13.  Niagra Falls
14.  Chicago
15.  Turks and Caico's (I have to throw this one in there since Stephen loves tropical destinations so much!)
16.  London
17.  Greece
18.  Philadelphia
19. Disney World
20. Washington DC

There is a story behind each one of these places and why either I love it and want to share it or why I want to go.  Rather then bore you with all of those details now, I will save that for another day.  I am always up for suggestions, so if you have a favorite vacation destination or a place you think I can not miss, please leave me a comment and tell me about it!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I suggest Williamsburg, Virginia as a place to take Perron we he gets older (that was one of my favorite educational trips as a child)!!!
